About me

About me

My name is Ashwani Kumar Darshan. I was born in Kharsia in 1979. I had always been passionate about health and wellness and had a deep desire to help others achieve their own health goals. I decided to become a health and wellness coach.

I was born and raised in a small town Kharsia Chhattisgarh in India with my wife Savita and two children Soumya & Aanya. Growing up, I saw how people in his community struggled with their health due to a lack of education and resources. This sparked my interest in health and wellness, and I began to educate myself by reading books and watching videos.

My father worked as a compositor in own printing press , while my mother is a retired teacher at the local elementary school. They have three children and I am the eldest one.

We often go on trips in the nearby  park during the summer, and during the winter they enjoy picnic spots at the local  resort. My wife Savita encourages  children to do well in school and participate in extracurricular activities.

My family is very supportive of children’s hobbies and interests.

Although the Darshan family faces some financial struggles, they are grateful for what they have and work hard to make ends meet. We prioritize family time and values, such as honesty and respect, in  everyday lives.

As a child, I have always been curious and loved exploring the outdoors. I had a fascination with technology and spent most of my free time tinkering with gadgets and electronics.

When I was in high school, I decided to pursue my passion for technology by studying  science in college. During my studies, I discovered a keen interest in Positive Habits and that technique learning. I spent countless hours researching and developing my skills in this field.

After completing my high school education, I moved to the city to pursue a knowledge in nutrition and wellness.  Then I decided to continue my education by completing a certification course in coaching.

I began my coaching career by working with participants one-on-one. I helped them set goals and develop plans to achieve their health and wellness goals. I taught them about proper nutrition, exercise, and mental health, and provided them with the resources they needed to succeed.

As I gained more experience, I started to expand my reach by offering group coaching sessions and workshops. I also began to use social media to share his knowledge and inspire others to lead healthier lives.

Through my work as a health and wellness coach, I had a profound impact on the lives of my participants. I have helped them lose weight, lower their cholesterol and blood pressure, and improve their mental health. I have also helped them build confidence and develop a positive attitude towards their health.

My coaching philosophy is based on the belief that health is not just about physical fitness, but also about mental and emotional well-being. I encouraged my participants to focus on developing a positive mindset and finding balance in their lives.

In addition to my work as a coach, I am also an avid fitness enthusiast. I enjoy practicing yoga, running, and weight lifting. I believe that leading an active lifestyle is key to maintaining good health and sets an example for my participants.

I am a firm believer in the power of education and continue to educate myself on the latest research in health and wellness. I also attend conferences and workshops to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

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